LAMB Public Charter School

Company Reviews From: Washington - DC, District of Columbia

Work-Life Satisfaction:

1 Company


Average hours worked per week

Lunch break per day: 0 minutes

Average number of hours worked per week.

Average start and end time

Numbers above each bar indicate daily work hours and minutes. Each figure is reduced by the lunch break taken each day. Lunch break start and end times are illustrative.

Average start and end time for each day of the week.

Total vacation time per year

Number of vacation days actually taken, on average, compared to the number of vacation days offered by an employer.

Federal holidays offered

Average number of Federal holidays employees have been able to take off.

Work travel required

Percent of travel typically required (over and above normal commuting time).

Time spent working from home each week

Percent of time employees work from home each week, on average.

Employee Feedback

Teacher in Washington - DC, District of Columbia
Over a year ago
I was a teacher for 3 years at this school and while I loved many aspects of the job, I felt that it was unsustainable. Not only did I work the hours mentioned above, but I would do work at home many nights as well. When I got home from work, I was completely exhausted and just wanted to sleep or do nothing. I didn't have the energy to meet up with friends and/or significant others.